The Weekly Salad – Steak Salad
See the way men go on and on and on about salad being rabbit food? Well how about you schlap a big steak salad in their plate (or in their face, whatever floats your boat!)
Anyway, take a steak. A big one. And ingredients. You will need some of these.
Schteak, soy sauce, juice of 1 lemon, sriracha sauce (you’ll find it in most asian store or larger supermarkets), toasted sesame seed oil. For the salad: sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, mint.
Marinate the meat in the 2 part soy sauce, 1 part lemon juice and 1 part sriracha sauce for about an hour.
On a platter mix your sweet corn, sliced peppers and tomatoes and sprinkle with shredded mint (as opposed to shredded wheat). Heat up your griddle pan till it’s searing hot and cook your schteak to taste. Spoon the marinade over and When I say cook, for me, I just wave it at the hot pan from a great height. I like my meat so blue it’s bleu. Let it rest for a few minutes. Pour the warm gravy over your salad with a few drops of sesame seed oil and plate your schteak on top.