Brussel Sprouts And Feta Salad
Just now, I am all about the sprouts. Before Christmas. I had bought a large stalk and it’s after lasting me two weeks but I’ve finally gotten to...
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Accidentally Vegan Aubergine Recipe
I find aubergines intimidating. It’s not the girth that bothers me. There’s always some butter or a sharp knife for that. No, it’s the never quite knowing what to...
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Women Of The Irish Food Industry – Deirdre Doyle, Educator
Deirdre Doyle created and runs The Cool Food School, a business with healthy eating and food education at its heart. Much like Roisin, Deirdre Doyle wants to take the...
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Women Of The Irish Food Industry – Carol Walsh, Managing Director
Carol Walsh is the woman behind the beloved Chameleon restaurant in Temple Bar, in the city centre of Dublin. In Dublin, Carol Walsh is a name that is associated...
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Women Of The Irish Food Industry – Ciara Brennan, Food Stall Holder
Ciara Brennan is the woman behind Happy Food At Home. You will find Ciara Brennan behind her stall at food markets and festival around the country. She is a...
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Carrots Glazed In Wild Garlic Butter
This weekend is St Patrick’s weekend which means that, in Ireland, we get three days off and I love it. It gives me time to relax and think about...
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Slow Roasted Shoulder Of Lamb Recipe
Yesterday, we had dinner with the family and we all brought something. It’s the kind of simple thing that makes me happy. Nobody is left with doing all the...
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Sticky Spicy Garlic Chicken Recipe
This is an easy mid week dinner idea. I’ve used some of the staple ingredients from my presses and just marinated the chicken. It could be pork, it could...
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Halloumi And Mixed Beans Salad
It’s January and we’re all broke and have eaten rings around ourselves (it’s not just me, right?) for the last while. Some are doing veganuary, others are hitting the...
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Roasted Brussel Sprouts With Drummond House Smoked Garlic
Tis the season to funk up the sprouts and explore new flavours. In this post, I play with Drummond House smoked garlic. As you know by now, I like...
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