For some reason, this week, I’m all about the one pot recipes. I’ve just about the energy to cook in the evenings so if I’ve juggle pots and pans and think about the associated washing up, I just know I’m going to give up and eat shite which I’m desperately trying not to do. Yesterday, I made this gorgeous green beans and tomato casserole and the day before it was the minced lamb and tatties recipe

I bought a tone of veg at McNally’s farm last weekend and I’m determined that by hook or by crook, we will be eating them this week and there will be no wasted food in this house. So I’m having to be organised and have a plan of action for our dinners every day in advance. I’m not as organised as my pal Caitriona Redmond who does a weekly menu in advance but, this week, I know at least a day in advance what will be for dinner the following evening. 

Add to all these notions, the fact that Aldi sent me an advance sample of their cast iron kitchenware range in the shape of a gorgeous ombre purple shallow casserole dish and I’m all about the one pan recipes this week. I’m feeling hugely inspired by the content of my fridge and presses this week and so I’m boiling over with ideas. I don’t think I’ve ever typed up three recipes in a row before. 

Anyway, about last night’s dinner. It fed the 2 usual hungry adults plus extra for lunch today. 



  • 250 g spelt
  • olive oil
  • bouillon powder or a stock cube (chicken or veg)
  • one large pinch of saffron
  • sorrel (I had about 2 large handfuls)
  • cream (just a splish splash splosh)
  • a handful of grated cheese (compete style) 



  • Heat up some oil gently in your wide bottom pan and stir your spelt grains in until they’re nice and coated. 
  • Add a tablespoon of bouillon powder or your stock cube and cover in just boiled water. Place the lid on and leave it for 5 min. Check that the water has been soaked up, give it a gentle stir and refill the water. Do this 3 or 4 times until the grains are chewy and well cooked and the water is gone. 
  • Add your grated garlic, saffron and sorrel and cook it in gently. You will need to stir a lot while the sorrel is wilting as you don’t want the spelt to start sticking to the pot at this stage. 
  • Finish it off with a drizzle of cream and the grated cheese. Give it one last stir and serve. 


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