Proper Food Meets Kenmare Foodie

Proper Food Meets Kenmare Foodie

In this second installement of Proper Food Meets… , I am delighted to introduce Karen, aka Kenmare Foodie, aka the Queen Of Snapchat. If you’re into gorgeously tasty yet simple food, you should really get acquainted with her blog. 


Karen, how did you come to blogging? 

I’ve always been interested in food especially local produce and through this  I ended up running a Food Festival in Kenmare for 2 years. This saw me ending up on Twitter to promote the festival and I was introduced to the world of Food Bloggers and I started to follow a few and I guess this then inspired me to start Kenmare Foodie as a way to share the recipes from my kitchen table and also the beauty of where I live here in South Kerry and West Cork. 

And what are you going to cook for us? 

It’s a recipe from my website and it’s a delicious light summery soup using courgette which is in season in the summer. 
The Butterbeans add a delicious creamy texture and the ham works really well with the courgette. 
When I was growing up in West Cork my dad always grew his own veg and I’ve so many memories of days spent with him digging potatoes and setting seeds. One of my fondest memories is bringing new potatoes home and then devouring them hot, bursting out of their skins with butter, pepper and salt, there really is nothing simpler or nicer. 
Marrow and courgette also featured highly in my childhood so this soup pays homage to this gorgeous little veg which is so easy to grow, quite humble and extremely versatile. 

Courgette, Butterbean and Ham Soup


  • 1 Onion, diced
  • 2 Cloves of Garlic, finely chopped
  • 5/6 slices of Prosciutto ( I used Gubbeen Smokehouse ) or Parma Ham, chopped
  • 1 Courgette, finely Sliced
  • 1 tin of Butterbeans, drained
  • 500 ml of Chicken Stock
  • Salt and Pepper
  • 2 tbsp of oil


  • Heat almost all of the oil on a medium heat and add your onions, garlic & courgette. 
  • Give a good stir and season with salt and pepper. Turn the heat down and cover the saucepan to let the vegetables sweat for between 5 & 10 minutes, until they are nicely golden and soft. Stir occasionally to make sure they don’t stick.
  • Remove the vegetables from the saucepan and place on a plate. Add the remaining piece of oil and sauté the ham until golden and a little crisp.
  • Return the vegetables to the pan and give a good stir through with the ham. Pour in your hot chicken stock and bring to the boil then add your butterbeans. Once you have it at a boil turn it down and let it simmer for around 5 minutes. Check the seasoning and adjust to taste.
  •  Blitz with a soup gun or in a liquidizer.
  •  Pour into warm soup bowls and serve with a dollop of creme fraiche and some chives
  • N.B *If your Prosciutto is quite salty then go easy od the seasoning…make sure you always taste before you serve. 


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  1. Donna says:

    Lovely recipe Karen and another great post Katia

    1. Proper Food says:

      Thanks D 🙂

  2. Mira says:

    Well done You two, I really like the recipe Karen it is something I might find myself making in the future. Good story too😊

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