Marinated Feta

Marinated Feta

Marinated feta has become a weekly affair on my table. In fact, I’ve only had marinated feta since I’ve discovered this recipe. 

I bought Persiana by Sabrina Ghayour and I don’t think I’ve ever been this taken with a cooking book at first glance before. The food photography is eye catching and I spent a very happy Friday evening plotting everything I wanted to cook from it. I started with this beauty, a simple marinated feta recipe which is ideal for this time of year. Beautiful simply scooped up with a warm pita or mixed into a salad, this simple dish is a sure crowd pleaser. I’ve tweaked the recipe to my taste but I’ve kept the spirit and look of it. You can, of course, do the same. 


  • 2 blocks of feta
  • 2 large banana shallot or 1 red onion
  • chopped chili to taste (I used a table spoon of chopped chili preserved in oil which I buy at my local Asian market)
  • 1 lime
  • 2 handful of flat parsley (note: dill works very well here too)
  • Good olive oil


  • Cut your packs of feta in 12 pieces each (3 in the length x 4 in the width).
  • Peel and shred your shallots very finely.
  • Chop your parsley.
  • Place your feta in a large flat bowl and sprinkle it with the shallots, chili and parsley. 
  • Drizzle the lime juice.
  • Cover with olive oil or there abouts. 
  • Leave in the fridge overnight and try toss the salad gently every few hours if you can.

Marinated Feta Persiana


Marinated Feta

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  1. Mira says:

    I’m loving your pictures Katia and the recipe of course.

    1. Proper Food says:

      Thanks Mira πŸ™‚

  2. Donna says:

    Your pictures are really beautiful Katia! I love this recipe

    1. Proper Food says:

      Thank you so much Donna πŸ™‚ I’ve really worked on it!

  3. Yummy, it looks delicious Katia! πŸ˜€

    1. Proper Food says:

      Thanks a mill, mrs πŸ™‚

  4. Wendie says:

    It looks gorge, Summer on a plate!

    1. Proper Food says:

      Thanks Wendie. I love seeing a bit of colour on my plate. πŸ˜€

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